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Marie M. of Atlanta writes:  “I was in severe pain when I came to Dr. Belcher.  I had been unable to use my left arm due to a frozen shoulder, which caused pain that radiated to my arm and neck.  I had tried two different orthopedists and physical therapy with no relief.  After threes weeks treating with Dr. Belcher I am able to sleep comfortably.  I have less pain in my lower back and upper back and neck.”

Christopher M. writes:  “Dr. Belcher began treating me approximately eight years ago.  I can truly say that the combination of adjustments, orthotics (provided by Dr. Belcher) and a light, but consistent, exercise routine have resulted in virtually no back problems for more then five years.  In addition, the need for adjustments over the last several years has been minimal.  Thanks Dr. Belcher!!”

Eddie H. writes:  “ I have had lower back problems and headaches for years.  After visiting various physicians and other chiropractors, a friend suggested Dr. Belcher and the “Activator Method of Chiropractic”.  I have had positive changes in my life ever since.  I realize I can control my health destiny by making the right decisions by not sticking to the old ways that don’t work.  Dr. Belcher’s technique worked for me.  He is an individual who is truly concerned about the health and well being of his patients.  His aim is true.”

Linda T. writes: “I would highly recommend Dr. Bart to everyone.  I have suffered with severe back pains and spasms.  I had tried several other chiropractors with no success.  Dr. Bart’s gentle technique gives me great relief.  My husband had back surgery and was skeptical about going to chiropractors because of his previous experiences.  He was having a lot of pain to the point of thinking he had a ruptured disc.  I convinced him to see Dr. Bart.  He says he feels like a new person since Dr. Bart fitted him with orthotics. 

Cara, age 7, writes, “Thank you for helping my scoliosis and trying to make it get better.  Whenever I come in to get checked you always help me.  Your patient, Cara”          

Linda H. writes that Dr. Bart has helped her with her headaches which have been a constant problem for fifteen years.  She says she had all the usual battery of tests including MRI”s, heart monitors, allergy testing, eye exams, and had her wisdom teeth removed nothing worked.  She finally found relief with chiropractic care.  After the first adjustment I was able to go five days without a symptom and that was remarkable for me.  Currently, with maintance care, I can go for weeks without a headache.  Please give chiropractic a try.
